
Archive for the ‘Humility’ Category

“Let another praise you, and not your own mouth;  someone else, and not your own lips (Proverbs 27:2).”

Newsweek just announced that in their estimation, Finland is the best country in which to live. While these results are debatable, what is even more interesting is the response of the Finns themselves.

In typical fashion,  the Finnish media is doing a lot of handwringing over the label given to them by a popular worldwide media outlet.  One commentary in the international edition of the Helsinki newspaper is titled “The Best or the Happiest”?  The emphasis in this article is that the results in the Finns eyes are indeed questionable.

In another article from the same newspaper, Finns are described as “torn” by the results, even though the main subject of the piece is that immigrants consider Finland to be “something out of a fairy tale”.

The Helsinki paper says the Finns themselves know their own drawbacks.  For example, their citizens are prone to depression and their are cutbacks in social services.

I am amused by the response of the Finns to the praise they are receiving in the worldwide media because I know them so well. I am married to one, and have lived in the country. It is funny to me because we Americans are so different from the Finns. We crave praise and have it for breakfast.

On the other hand, The Finns are embarrassed when the microscope is put on them.  They don’t like to be singled out. Yes, they are extremely proud of their country, but they’d rather not talk about it, or much of anything else for that matter. They are a very quiet, introspective clan.

While the navel gazing of the Finns is humorous to me , it is also admirable.  These people look for the truth when others assess them.  The Finns don’t just take everything at face value, good or bad. They analyze it.

The wise man of Proverbs says that praise is a form of testing. When others lift us up, our response tells others if we have a good character, or if we are foolish (Proverbs 27:21,22).

Jesus Himself did not go around flaunting His deity.  At his trial before execution, He kept quiet about His true nature, until the Roman governor asked Him directly. At this point, Jesus responded with a truthful, forthright answer (Matthew 27:11).

 We Americans would do well to be a little more like the Finns. We may get passed over for a promotion at work are lose a girlfriend or boyfriend  because we didn’t toot our own horn.

However, in God’s scheme of things, we just aced an exam when we let Him and others single us out for special praise.

With God, a little humility goes a long way.

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